Valeria Pesce, Guntram Geser, Caterina Caracciolo, Johannes Keizer, Giovanni L’Abate. In "Metadata and Semantics Research: Communications in Computer and Information Science" Volume 390, 2013, pp 423-429. Springer International Publishing
Imma Subirats, Thembani Malapela, Sarah Dister, Marcia Zeng, Marc Goovaerts, Valeria Pesce, Yves Jaques, Stefano Anibaldi, Johannes Keizer.
In "Metadata and Semantics Research". 6th Research Conference, MTSR 2012, Cádiz, Spain, November 28-30, 2012. Proceedings, 2012, Springer
Fereira, John; Pesce, Valeria; Corson-Rikert, Jon; Maru, Ajit; Keizer, Johannes. AgriVIVO: an Ontology-based Store of URIs and Relations between Entities in Agricultural Research. 2012. 2nd Computer Science Online Conference, 2012. Pre-print.
Valeria Pesce, Imma Subirats, Antonella Picarella, Johannes Keizer. AgriDrupal : repository management integrated into a content management system, 2011. In Open Repositories 2011, Austin (US), 8-10 June 2011.
The CIARD RING, an Infrastructure for Interoperability of Agricultural Research Information Services
Pesce, Valeria et al. “The CIARD RING, an Infrastructure for Interoperability of Agricultural Research Information Services”, Agricultural Information Worldwide 4, no. 1 (2011)
Ajit P Maru, Mark Holderness, Valeria Pesce. "Developing Agricultural Research Information Systems: The experience of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research". 7th World Congress on Computers in Agriculture Conference Proceedings, 22-24 June 2009, Reno, Nevada (electronic only) 711P0409e.
Maru, Ajit and Pesce, Valeria. “GFAR’s Experiences in Fostering and Supporting the Development of Agricultural Research Information Systems at National, Regional and Global Levels.” Agricultural Information Worldwide 2, no. 2 (2009)
Pesce, Valeria and Maru, Ajit. “Main Issues in Developing a Complementary and Subsidiary Information System at the Global Level: The Experience of e-GFAR.” Agricultural Information Worldwide 2, no. 2 (2009)
Ajit Maru, Valeria Pesce, Mark Holderness, T Nagatsuka, S Ninomiya
World conference on agricultural information and IT, IAALD AFITA WCCA 2008, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo, Japan, 24-27 August, 2008.
E Gelb, A Maru, J Brodgen, E Dodsworth, R Samii, V Pesce
Pre-Conference workshop summary, The AFITA, IAALD and WCCA Conference in Atsugi, Japan, 2008