[Contributor] FAO. 2023. AGROVOC 1: Data sharing, interoperability and knowledge organization systems. Rome.
Valeria Pesce, Nathaniel Don Marquez, Romy Sato. Secure land tenure boosts resilience to global heating. In: D+C Development and Cooperation, 2023/11.
Digital Agri Hub, GFAR, Agroecology Coalition, University of British Columbia. Summary of the 2nd e-conversation, 2nd series #Digitalisation and #agroecology: a challenging marriage? August 2023
[Contributor] FAO. 2021. AGROVOC – Semantic data interoperability on food and agriculture. Rome.
[Contributor: background research] Schroeder, Kateryna; Lampietti, Julian; Elabed, Ghada. 2021. What's Cooking : Digital Transformation of the Agrifood System. Agriculture and Food Series;. Washington, DC: World Bank. © World Bank. License: CC BY 3.0 IGO
[Contributor: author of chapters 2.2, 2.3, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4] FAO. 2021. Farm data management, sharing and services for agriculture development. Rome.
Also available as Github book: Data4Ag project of CTA with PAFO and FAO. (2020, February 12). Farm Data Management, Sharing and Services for Agriculture Development...
Addison, Chris; Figuères, Caroline; Oweyesiga, Hamlus; Muwonge, David; Nsimidala, Elizabeth; Sezibera, Annick; Boyera, Stéphane; Besemer, Hugo; Pesce, Valeria; Birba, Athanase; Muyiramye, Didier. 2020. Data-driven opportunities for farmer organisations. CTA Working Paper 20/03. Wageningen: CTA.
Wiseman, Leanne; Pesce, Valeria; Zampati, Foteini; Sullivan, Shawn; Addison, Chris; Drolet, Jacques. 2019. Review of codes of conduct, voluntary guidelines and principles relevant for farm data sharing. CTA Working Paper 19/01: Wageningen: CTA.
Deborah Yates, Leigh Dodds, Jeni Tennison, Valeria Pesce, Panagiotis Zervas. Recommendations for filling identified gaps in standards for land and nutrition data [version 1; not peer reviewed]. F1000Research 2019, 8:785 (document) (
Land and nutrition data in the Land Portal and the Global Nutrition Report: a gap exploration report
Pesce V, Mey L, L’Hénaff P and Tejo-Alonso C. Land and nutrition data in the Land Portal and the Global Nutrition Report: a gap exploration report [version 1; not peer reviewed]. F1000Research 2018, 7:1698 (document) (