Attualmente sono I Information Management Specialist alla Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Fino a poco fa, ero partnership facilitator e digital innovation adviser al Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR), dove ho coordinato un'azione collettiva per un'agricoltura digitale inclusiva. Precedentemente, ho lavorato per la Divisione di Statistica della FAO nel FAO Data Lab e ho brevemente collaborato con CTA e la World Bank con ricerche su politiche dei dati in agricoltura. Prima ancora, avevo già lavorato a lungo con FAO e GFAR, come rappresentante in progetti finanziati dalla EU su infrastrutture dati (agINFRABig Data Europe) e gestendo piattaforme open data in coordinazione con partner globali e regionali, e più tardi organizzando workshop e webinar sul tema dei diritti dei contadini sui dati e in generale diritti ai dati nell'ambito dell'agricoltura digitale.


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I'm very proud to have co-organized and animated an e-conversation on "DIGITALIZATION AND AGROECOLOGY: A CHALLENGING MARRIAGE?"  together with colleagues from the Digital Agri Hub, the Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR), the University of British Columbia, and the Agroecology Coalition. We recently published the summary below. [Re-posted from the Digital Agri Hub and the GFAR websites] ---------------   The Digital Agri Hub, the Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR), the University of British Columbia, and the Agroecology Coalition facilitated...
On 6 June 2023, I moderated a panel discussion on "Mainstreaming land rights of the rural poor in the climate discourse", co-organized by the Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR), the Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD), the Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ANGOC), and the Land Portal Foundation. The discussion took place as a sid vnt at the 8th Africa Agribusiness and Science Week in Durban, South Africa. Its aim was increasing public understanding of the links between climate change, disasters, and land tenure...
GFAR Panel discussion at COP27
This year, food systems were for the first time recognized as a key issue at COP27, and for the first time FAO had a Pavilion there, sponsored together with the CGIAR and the Rockefeller Foundation. GFAR responded to the FAO/CGIAR Pavilion call for side event proposals, and the proposed panel discussion on “Inclusive climate-smart digital technologies: can/will small-scale farmers get on board?” was selected to be hosted at the Pavilion during the COP. The topic of the side event was proposed because the issue of how inclusive digital agriculture solutions are, which is at the center of the...
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