GODAN, CTA and KTBL organized a workshop on ”Legal and Policy aspects of Open Data in Agriculture affecting farmers” on 25-26 July, 2109 in Darmstadt, Germany.
The event was a follow-up of the GFAR/...
The PAFO/AGriCord/CTA Partnership 2016-2018 aims at contributing to expanding and upscaling successes in inclusive and successful business models led by farmers organisations. It also promotes the...
Expert consultation in Bonn on “Ethical, legal and policy aspects of data sharing affecting farmers”
There are many inter-linked issues in the whole data value chain that affect the ability of farmers, especially the poorest and most vulnerable, to access, use and harness the benefit of data and...
The ethical, legal and policy aspects related to farmers’ accessing and using available data, as well as sharing their own data, are now seen as key to empowering farmers through regulations,...
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are being used across the world to generate efficiency gains for farmers. This has led to an information and data explosion with an associated boom...
[Valeria Pesce, from the GFAR blog]
Issues around farmers’ rights to data, both in terms of access to data and ownership of data, are crucial to one of the key areas of activity of partners in GFAR:...
Dan Berne and Valeria Pesce [from the GFAR blog]
Dan Berne introducing the course
In the week of 20-24 November 2017, GFAR convened a course and symposium on Farmers’ access to data in Centurion,...
The German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition Initiative (GODAN) and the Association for Technology and Structures in Agriculture (...
Matthew Lange from UC Davis put together a nice panel on "The Semantic Web of Food" for the Seeds&chips conference in Milan, 8-11 May 2017.
The panel was sponsored by SOP Srl. and the panelists...
Devika Madalli and ARD Prasad of the Indian Institute of Statistics invited me to give a lecture on the description of datasets using semantic vocabularies during the International Workshop on Open...