Review of codes of conduct, voluntary guidelines and principles relevant for farm data sharing

Together with experts who participated in the Bonn workshop in July 2018 and in the Darmstadt meeting in July 2019, we prepared a "Review of codes of conduct, voluntary guidelines and principles relevant for farm data sharing" that was published by CTA in January 2020 in collaboration with GODAN, GFAR, KTBL and Griffith University.
Data in agricultural value chains is currently governed through private data contracts or licensing agreements, which are normally very complex and on which data producers have very little negotiating power. Codes of conduct have started to emerge to fill the legislative void and to set common standards for data sharing contracts: codes provide principles that the signatories / adopters agree to apply in their contracts.
The review describes the rationale behind codes of conduct and the aims, structure and audience of three widely known existing codes. In addition, we also recommend what a code fo conduct should cover to better empower farmers with more equitable data flows. The review tries to draw some conclusions on commonalities and differences between the existing codes, in order to then extract and recommend the essential aspects and points for a general, scalable and further customizable code of conduct template that best addresses the needs of the farmer.

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