CIARD RING presented at G20 MACS LOD workshop in Berlin

The German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition Initiative (GODAN) and the Association for Technology and Structures in Agriculture (KTBL) organized a workshop on "Linked Open Data in Agriculture", under the G20 German presidency and linked to activities of the G20 Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS).

The workshop had the objective of promoting the application of Linked Open Data in agriculture by addressing obstacles to implementation and by strengthening networks among existing initiatives.

GFAR's Valeria Pesce presented the CIARD RING illustrating the major semantic challenges in federating dataset metadata into the RING Linked Data layer. Representatives from organizations that maintain dataset catalogs which are federated in the RING were in the audience and confirmed the identified challenges and their plans to improve the semantic layer of their catalogs.

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